All high school students must perform community services each year, but there are also a range of opportunities and honors available for them to take part in. According to the U. S. Department of Education, children are participating in more extracurricular activities such as classes and sports than they were two decades ago.
These activities are associated with a range of positive outcomes for children and adolescents, including higher academic performance, more positive academic prospects, and higher academic aspirations. Research has also shown that participating in these activities can help develop social skills, increase self-esteem and resilience, and reduce levels of risky behavior. Furthermore, it gives young people the opportunity to discover their own interests. Girls were found to participate more frequently in music, dance, language, or other classes compared to boys. The SIPP (Survey of Income and Program Participation) results may have been affected by a lack of response bias, meaning that the characteristics of those who responded were different from those who did not respond.
Club participation declined among all children regardless of family income and poverty. However, participation in sports and classes only increased among children from families with 200% or more of the poverty line. The relationship between family income and poverty is measured taking into account the total income of the family and the poverty threshold that corresponds to the size and composition of the family. If a family's total income is lower than the family's poverty line, that family and each of its members are considered poor. Poverty influences children's participation in extracurricular activities as many activities require parents' time and financial resources to pay for fares, transportation, and equipment. There was no statistical change in sports participation between these years among children from households below poverty (23%) or between 100 and 199% of poverty (about 28%).
The SIPP collects information on children's well-being, including details on their extracurricular activities and school performance. Parents (usually the mother) are asked if their children participated in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, or classes after school or on weekends. Information is also collected about whether a child has repeated a course and has been suspended or expelled. Smithtown Central School District provides a safe, supportive and stimulating environment for students to learn where everyone is valued. Aim for heavenly values by sending your children to Smithtown Christian School even if that means sacrifice. At Smithtown Christian School students have access to a wide range of extracurricular activities that can help them develop social skills, increase self-esteem and resilience, discover their own interests, and even improve their academic performance.
With an emphasis on heavenly values such as respect for others, responsibility for one's actions, integrity in all aspects of life, excellence in all endeavors, service to others, and faithfulness to God's Word; Smithtown Christian School provides an ideal environment for students to grow both academically and spiritually.